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Sunday, January 27, 2013

TICK TOCK when will the clock stop

The trouble is, you think you have time. Buddha
We all know that time is ticking. The days are passing by and the seasons are changing. The days seem long but the years are fast….
I have been thinking the last week about my past, my present and my future. I try really hard not to get stuck in the past….some parts of it were not that great….why would I want to stay there….
I also try not to get too far into the future…causes worry and anxiety…why would I want to go there…
Many lives have been lost recently…..suddenly…sadly..
As I sit in the present I am reminding myself of things that are important….
 I am asking myself….
Does everyone know how I feel about them…those who are important to me….
What would be the last memory my children have of me….
Was I kind to strangers….
Was I living as selflessly as possible…
Did I give and accept love…
Was my spiritual self in tack..
Did I help when asked…
Was I available to others…
Was I good to myself...
I can honestly say that some of these areas are stronger than others for me….a good reminder to myself that I need to be aware at every moment, every step, every decision, every word I make…could be my last….our last..…
Time of reflection and reminders….

The trouble is, you think you have time. Buddha

We may or may not….

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G


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