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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We Shall Not Walk Alone

Moments of Clarity

Moments of clarity…both wonderful and painful!

In the last year  I have had a mini break through…breakdown…spiritual awakening…moment of clarity or insanity…you pick…either way…I made some great changes and had some deep awareness about myself and others.  

Every road block that I face or every bump in the road I say to myself “this is it” I am done.

I shout to the universe “okay I got it” “no more lessons needed” “I have arrived”

The latest lesson:

That is ridiculous thinking; I will never be done learning life’s lessons. I really never will arrive and that is okay with me….

 I was reminded last night that I often times put other people’s needs ahead of my own.

Typically this is not a bad thing to do but when it interferes with you own sense of wellness it is time to reprioritize.

I have been running on empty for a couple of weeks now and have not stopped to refuel.  I broke down on the side of the road last night….no gas in my vehicle; stranded and alone.

It was dark and I hate the dark.

What did I do???

I tried on my new behavior…..I called for roadside assistance instead of standing in the dark trying to fix my own problem and not wanting to bother anyone else….you can’t put gas in your car if there is none available.

I did what we all need to do….I reached out

When you need help ask for it!

Don’t put everyone’s needs always ahead of you.  That is not necessary. You don’t get any extra life points for running yourself into the ground while helping others.

You can be well balanced, nurturing and loving and compassionate to yourself and others all at the same time.

What happened when I reached out?

Roadside assistance came and refueled me.

 A simple contact with someone who understands is sometimes all we need.  It is all I needed.

If you need to talk to someone or cry to them or vent or whatever….that is okay and that is refueling your soul and spirit and that is a natural part of life.  It does not make you less than. It makes you human.

Balance your needs with the needs of others. Take care of yourself.  Go back to basics and connect with others, eat well, sleep and rest. No need to run out of gas again.

We shall not walk alone

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G