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Friday, June 21, 2013

The World Sucks and It is All My Fault!!!

This has been a negative and yucky kind of week for me. The first one I have had in a long time…..why???
Because of me, myself and I 
 It started on Sunday when someone hurt my feelings
Instead of just letting it go; I slipped back into old behavior and confronted them….via text message…
Yes that is super mature and effective (don’t suggest this way of communicating)
Guess what…it got worse…now there is definitely a rupture in the relationship
Then on a visit home there were some misunderstandings…didn’t let those go either
Then a pitcher fell off the top of the refrigerator…who puts a pitcher up there anyway…???

It fell off when my son shut the door of the refrigerator
So of course…still entrenched with negativity from the days previous….I yelled at him…

Clearly this was an accident but I yelled anyway...

As I was picking up the broken glass a chunk slipped out of my hand and sliced my finger open…deep…stitch worthy
I provided a training for work and most everyone who attended liked it….except the one person who wasn’t even suppose to be there and sent me a LONG and unappreciative email….Yep I emailed back…need I explain further?

I lost $30 because I was rushing around to get to the movies on time…

As this busy week ends I have come to realize I am at fault for all of the above things happening..

These things may have happened anyway….life has its ups and downs…

What would not have happened had I been practicing, patience, understanding, gratitude and acceptance…

I wouldn’t have gotten in any disagreements about things that don’t matter
I would have just accepted it…walked away…and let it go..
I wouldn’t have yelled at my son for an accident

I wouldn’t have lost money had I just stayed present in the moment and stayed thoughtful about what I was doing

So here is what I have to say about this week…

I am thankful it is over
I am leaving it where it belongs; in the past

I owe some apologies

I am thankful I didn’t slice my finger completely off

I believe the person who found my money really needs it
And money or no money…I got to see an awesome movie with my kids

Negativity breeds negativity and I have the control to make things better or worse by my response and by my attitude…

Time to refocus and come from a place of gratitude and love

After all we can start our day over at any time

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

 P.S. I almost choked on a cookie tonight...literally!!!! I know better than to be eating cookies at night :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stuck in a Shallow Puddle

People jump in and out of relationships/friendships like they are stepping in and out of shallow puddles
These relationships are usually full of drama and chaos
Yet people continue to engage in these shallow, meaningless and stressful relationships
Because they are getting something out of them
Look at yourself
I believe the accountability is ours if we engage in these types of Jerry Springer relationships (disclaimer: this is not applicable to IPV, abusive and traumatic situations…)
We need to start examining our sense of self-worth, confidence and self-love if we continue to jump in and out of shallow relationships; relationships that devalue us…cause us grief, unhappiness and chaos
Stop and ask yourself these questions about your relationships
Are they are honest? People who are engaged in real, grown-up and healthy relationships are honest…
Do you communicate? People in deep and lasting relationships talk with one another about their joy, sadness, concerns, life, their future, their plans… respectful ways
Is there drama? Do you feel like you are on a b rated talk show? Drama is not a necessary component for a healthy, deep and long lasting relationship
Do you share common interests?
Is it built on support?
Do you build one another up instead of pull one another apart?

Is there jealousy, control, anger? RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG
Do you trust one another?
Are you safe?

Can you be 100 percent your true self (sane and insane)?

Puddle Jumping  can be fun for a day or two but after a while it gets old….you get dirty, cold and tired….you deserve more
Stay out of the puddles and find some real relationships

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G