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Saturday, January 19, 2013

I love you only if you do what I say and be who I want you to be...

But I love you sounds better than……..I love you but…..

                Tiffany William

What does this concept of unconditional love actually mean?
I haven’t, until recent years, really understood it…
Some of us spend our lives searching for unconditional love from our parents, our partners and our friends….
Some of us try and buy it…
Some of us spend thousands of dollars reconstructing our faces, our bodies, our wardrobe and our outer appearance in the hopes that we will get that “unconditional love”
We search high and low…sometimes really low….
The beauty about unconditional love is that it doesn’t have to be earned, bought, bribed or held hostage....
It is more simple than is much cheaper than that...
Unconditional love is a love without expectation
It means that you love someone for who they are….not for what they do for you or what they have or how they look….
It has nothing to do with the tangible….
In general I have unconditional love for humanity…for people I don’t even know….
I care about people's wellbeing...I care about if they are hurt, if they are injured….if they are hungry...if they need help…
Does this mean I like the behaviors of people who hurt I don’t….but behaviors and people are different…
Because people do not behave in the ways I think they should does not make my compassion or my hope or my care for them...any less...
We might choose to distance ourselves from people who are hurtful and mean and negative…that is understandable....
Even if we disengage we can still show love and compassion....often people are missing that...which causes them to act in ways that are hard to love...
I am trying to practice this on a daily basis and it isn’t always easy…but what I know is that I have experienced unconditional love in my life and grace from above....
I think it is worth our time and attention to treat others with as much grace as we have been given….
Let’s try and give and receive love unconditionally….who knows what can happen in our lives if we do…

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G….

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