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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stop being a Twit...get off Twitter and Let's Talk

Are you out there???
I am not sure because I deactivated my facebook account...and that is usually how I connect with my readers...
I am not going to be off FB forever....just a few months
I am starting the new year by focusing on being present…
Toward the end of last year I found myself too involved with technology….
I don’t like that…
I love people. I love to talk to people….I love to hear their voices; listen to their stories and hear their laughter and sometimes their sorrow…
There is nothing like human to human connections...
I love the whole experience of connecting to another human being….
What I don’t love….but what I found myself prisoner to….is twitting, twitting, twittering, fittering, facebooking, texting, skyping, chit chattering over the internet……..
How connected…………yet unconnected is that…
How engaged but unengaged is that….
For the next couple of months I have decided to try to make a strong effort to connect with people…not technology…
Being present and available....not distracted...
How unfortunate of a culture we live in that we are so "connected" yet missing the most important thing...being a real part of each other's lives..
Not sure how it will go; not sure if anyone is even reading this now since I can’t post it on facebook…
But for myself….
I am here
Let’s talk….for real...let's connect

P.S. Feel free to post this to Facebook LOL :)

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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