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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Try again later........Maybe Never

My daughter’s seventh grade teacher died a few days ago. He was in his early forties I believe; a battle with cancer…
My colleague and boss died last night; she was in her early sixties…..not quite sure the cause
I hate reminders like this…they are painful
Reminders that make me stop and ask myself….
What do I stand for ?
What is my life about?
What is the unfinished business in my life?
Who haven’t I told I love?
What amends haven’t I made?
Is this it? What if today was it?

I work  hard  not  to put things off anymore…
I attempt to live each day to the fullest…
Yet sometimes I slip back into the rut…my old ways...
The daily grind…when I don’t feel connected; feel like I am operating on auto pilot…feel like it doesn’t really matter…like I don't have a purpose...
Those are the days when I think “tomorrow will be better” “I have another chance”……”try again later”
Most of the time tomorrow is better and I have gotten lots of other chances and  have tried again later...
I cannot depend on that type of thinking anymore…
Today is my chance…my reminder to stay connected…to tell people I love them…to not waste a moment…to live my life…to determine what I stand for and go for it…to find my purpose
Let's  not try again later...
Don’t put off living……try again now.........Don't wait until the chance is gone
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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