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Friday, September 21, 2012

Falling in Love with You

I never tire of writing about love….and….readers it has been a while since I have broached the subject
Love is so complex and confusing
Love is simple and easy
What do you think of love?
I don’t mean the “you are super hot and I break out in a sweat thinking of you” kind of  love….
I mean the  love in which….no matter what happens….you will always love that person…even if they don’t love you in return
I have seen it once in a relationship….the love movies are made of…but only one time have I been witness to that kind of love….the love in fairy tales…a gift from my parents
I have felt it for someone
What it was for me.......
What I hope it might be again someday…………..
Accepting the person unconditionally; even through the flaws and defects
Wanting to share my thoughts and feelings; happiness and sadness
When something good happened….wanting to reach out to that person first
When something bad happened…wanting to reach out to that person first
Wanting their happiness; success; serenity
Willing to put the work in needed in relationships

Weathering the storm and dancing in the rain

Wanting to be the best person I have ever been
So many things in my heart …..that won’t find words
I think the idea of love is different for everyone
To me there are common threads for us all…equality; respect; give and take; consideration; support; negotiation; trust; honesty and loyalty…..
I hope my heart will be open to the kind of love I described again....someday
In the meantime….while I figure out this “romantic” love thing….
I am overwhelmed by the love of my friends, spirituality, family and life
It is not my wish to find love today… is my wish to give love today

"The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned"
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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