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Monday, June 4, 2012

Forgiveness-A Weakness??

There have been some people that have done some terrible things to me during my life…
From the time I was little till recently…
People have stolen, hurt, lied, taken advantage of, deceived, manipulated and used me at different times in my life...
Family, Foe and Friends….sometimes hard to tell the difference…
What about this thing called forgiveness?
In the recent months I have come to really understand what forgiveness means to me…
It means that I don’t give head space to those who have hurt me anymore…
I don’t think about the things they did to me…
I don’t resent them any more…
I don’t wish them harm…or bad Karma
I don’t long for an apology or an amends…
I don’t want back what they took or what I gave..
I try to fight giving them one inch of my time…emotionally or physically..
It isn’t that I don’t get hurt anymore because unfortunately that is a part of life…
It is what I do with the hurt….what you do with the hurt….that gives us real power
Forgiveness has given me a sense of peace and understanding and wisdom I never had before….
Forgiveness to me has been a key to my freedom and a path to a bigger and brighter future…
Forgiveness to me is powerful and it makes me strong
Forgiveness of Others and Myself...
Absolutely a Strength!!!

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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