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Monday, June 25, 2012

Big Old Cry Baby

Today I felt like crying….letting out a hard core scream and letting the tears flood…
For tons of reason……….none of them hormonal!!!!!
I wanted to cry over the pain of my childhood, my failed marriage, my kids having hurt, over deeply loving another and being rejected, over all the people that are suffering, over the condition of the world….just wanted to cry over feeling sad and having pain in my heart…
 I wanted to cry because my life is so amazing, because so many people love me and accept me for me,  for being supported, for my amazing kids, for my friends who saved me when I was a kid,  for my friends who saved me when I was an adult, for all the blessings I have had…all the blessings I have….for all the joy in my heart..

So I did…..
I sat down and cried like a baby…..let the tears and the snot flow….I cried over all the pain and joy I have in my heart
I haven’t done that in a long time....
I remembered how good it can be…how healing tears can be…
Today I am not afraid of my emotions, any of them…….sadness and joy
Today I am reminded of how great it is to feel
Today I am reminded of how great it is to be a person with the ability to love deeply and passionately
A person who feels pain....
A person who laughs until she pees her pants...
A person who weeps...
Today I am reminded of how great it is to be alive!!

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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