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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Problem: Me or You????

I believe what people tell me….I trust them….I believe in them….I give them the benefit of the doubt…
Is that a problem?
I don’t know…
For 42 years I have trusted people, taken them at face value and believed what they told me…
I have accepted people, loved people and given myself completely to friendships and relationships…
I have been taken advantage by friends, family and strangers because of my innate sense of acceptance and trust
Does this make me a fool???
I don’t know anymore
In the past when I have faced situations in which I have felt taken advantage of…lied to or used…I have just separated myself from the issue...not personalized...
I have risen above
I have forgiven
I have always given a second chance
I have never been tainted by the experience
 My options
I can maintain my sense of love, trust, acceptance and support of people
I can turn into a tainted, cold hearted and closed up, bitter person...
That sounds tempting...
Who am I kidding?
Hurt feelings, awareness, taken advantage of…it is what it is…
What it isn’t is a reason for me to throw the towel in on people or relationships….
It is an opportunity to reflect, grow and learn another life lesson
Eyes wide open...lesson learned
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary Graham

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