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Monday, July 9, 2012

The Road Map of The Heart

What are your guidelines around love?
Here are a few of mine
Listening: This means really listening to understand....
When I love someone I strive to listen for understanding…not to rebut or challenge or out of righteouness...
 Giving: I give myself freely to those I love
I balance taking care of myself so I can give to others. Giving in a loving relationship does not mean you give everything you have…that isn’t loving
Eventually that builds up resentment and bitterness. It is difficult to deeply love someone you have resentments and bitterness toward...
Authenticity:  So important for me to be myself with those I love...
I love people for who they are….being real is very important to me….real does not mean perfect
Forgiveness: When I think about the people in my life that I truly love; I understant forgiveness
I cannot imagine not forgiving someone I truly love...
 A part of love and forgiveness for me is letting go of the hurt; not holding it in my pocket to pull out later when I am angry
Respect:  Big complex word but in regards to love…it is simple.
To me respect in love means thoughtfulness and consideration for another
Humor: I show love by laughing with someone..
Passion for Life: I love to live, experience and grow….
Love to me is sharing my passions with another and being interested in what they are passionate about…
Sharing: When I love someone I share good and bad with them; hope and despair
Loving someone for me is plain and simple. I give, I am real, I accept, I laugh and I share myself….good and bad
How I show love comes from my inside self mostly…outside stuff doesn’t matter to me…
What I give to those I love I hope to get back in return....
 It doesn’t always work like that….
But what I can do is take care of how I love people in honesty, truth, sharing, with respect and humor…
Take care of how you love people and see what happens…sometimes love isn’t returned and that is okay…
The gift in all of this is to be able to love another...returned or not...
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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