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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seeing what is Real...Relationships

I have written a lot about relationships in my blog. Relationship with myself, relationship with friends, relationship with my higher power and relationships with my partners

What are my latest relationship lessons?
Shallowness and Selfishness don't work for me...
I would rather go an entire lifetime without speaking to another human being than being engaged in something that was shallow and lacked depth…

Webster defines shallow as:
·         Having little depth
·         Having little extension inward or backward
·         Lacking depth of feeling, thought or knowledge

I agree with this definition and I won’t have these type of relationships in my life
As I come to the middle of my life I am searching for new things in relationships. I am searching for those I can emotionally connect with. Those who are authentic, congruent and accepting….those I can sit with in silence and feel at ease…

Those I can say completely insane things to and they completely understand…and relate…
I don’t care what job an individual has or who their family is or what type of income or education they have…
I care about the important stuff…..can someone relate, emote, share, listen, love and trust…
I care about human spirit and kindness
I recently lost a relationship which had many of these qualities...the loss was painful
In reflecting about this loss I realized that even though it had many of the qualities I desired..... it was also very one-sided and selfish (me not being the selfish one)
My two relationship lessons for now are I can’t be involved in relationships that are shallow or one-sided and selfish...
I don’t want to drown in the shallow end of the pool nor do I want to be walked on as if I am a door mat or give until I have nothing left to give...
What I want and deserve is...What we all deserve is....
Love and Relationships in which we feel unconditionally supported; that  are committed, two-sided, honest, supportive, accepting, respectful, equal and deep....
Join me in finding equal, committed, two-sided and deep relationships with friends, colleagues and partners..
Those are the relationships that matter....We matter!!
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, you have to quit reading my mind. I decided tonight to end a relationship. I am done being taken advantage of. Thank you for showing me I am making the right choice. Love you, girl!
