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Monday, March 12, 2012

Green Green Grass

Have you ever heard the phrase "The grass is not always greener on the other side"?

It refers to always wanting what we don't have....

For a long long time I said that exact phrase to myself.....Why?

It was a way to rationalize the situations I was in… justify my unhappiness….the attitude of “it could be worse”…

Mary Mary be happy with what you have….stop wanting what you don’t have….

What is wrong with wanting what you don't have....can't I be grateful for what I have but also want more for myself???

First of all…whoever created that phrase I have this to say to you:

STOP BEING AFRAID… do you know the grass is not greener on the other side if you are too afraid to travel to that side and see for yourself…

It is safer to stay in one place and rationalize misery….I know I did that for many many years about many many things…

One day no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stay put so I decided to jump the fence and start a new life….

Guess what????

The grass was greener on the other side for me… wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be to check it out….I actually liked it on the other side…decided to put down some roots and build a new house and stay for a while…not out of fear but out of hope and happiness…

I didn't forget about my old grass...I took with me what worked in my life and left the rest behind...

This isn’t about being ungrateful and always seeking what we don’t have….its about asking ourselves some hard questions…

Questions about our emotional and physical health, our relationships, our spirituality….our inner selves…

Looking for greener grass for me was not looking for outside things but inside things…

Looking for what created wellness and happiness in my was about growth and change...

I am no longer afraid of change; I am no longer  afraid of living life to the fullest

I am not afraid of exploring, telling people my true feelings, asking for help when I need, loving myself and others..

Think about this….can’t you cherish your grass and also look on the other side….look toward things that will make you happier, spiritually fulfilled and serene…

Why does it have to be one side or the other….break the fence down…don’t be afraid to stretch yourselves...

Don't be afraid of growth and change

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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