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Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Frog I Kissed that Turned into a Prince

I kissed a frog and he turned into a prince…………..NOT!!!
I am here to clear something up…kissing frogs is a fantasy…no prince will come out of this behavior…I have tried…I have kissed them, showered them with love, been understanding with them, helped them, given to them…fed them lots of prince ever emerged..
I have been thinking a lot about relationships lately. I have many friends that are single and many friends that are in relationships/marriages.
This is not true for all ,,,,but the general theme I am finding is that there is deep dissatisfaction in personal relationships.
Why is this?
Do we settle?
Do we stop putting forth the effort into making it work?
I can list the many reasons why.
The why is not important right now.
The important question is...
Is my idea of a good relationship a possibility or a fantasy?
What I think a good relationship is…
·         Two people who love one another unconditionally but work really hard to be the best person they can be because they are in a wonderful partnership.
·         Lots and Lots of Communication…
·         Acceptance of one another
·         Consideration for one another
·         Two people that disagree, struggle, face life’s ups and downs…TOGETHER
·         Equality
·         Mutually shared and loved activities
·         Independence
·         Passion ( I can’t get rated R here because I have younger readers….you know what I mean)
·         Emotional Connection
·         Two people that recognize they have issues (we all do) and are continually working on those issues to be a better partner and person    

These things seem pretty straight forward. I am hoping that at some point in my life I will have a relationship like this “fantasy” relationship. A relationship with someone I love unconditionally and is my best friend.
In the end a frog is a frog and will be nothing more or nothing less…Let’s stop wasting our time on kissing the frogs and risking getting some screwed up frog disease..
We are worth more than that..
For me, today in my life, being alone is better than being with a frog..
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G


  1. Sometimes I think people like to complain so much that they forget to talk about the good. Sad times. I was always the odd ball out at work because I wouldn't "husband bash". One day somebody said "what, is your husband perfect?" and I answered "no, but he is the best for me and we are happy and I'm not going to bash him so you guys have lunch time gossip".

    Boy was I an outcast! However I never had to listen to their complains again.

    I guess where I was going is I think many (not all) are happier than they give themselves credit for. It's like happiness is not allowed and if you are happy and have a good relationship there is something wrong with you.

    I'm happy. I love my husband. I'm proud to say so.

  2. That is always good to hear. We need to hear the opposite of the story...I still don't want to kiss any more frogs LOL xo

  3. No frog kissing. I think people, men and women need to take a good long hard look at who it is they are with, what they want. Not true love if there is no trust and respect. Drives me crazy when I hear "I love him/her but just can't trust them". HELLO MCFLY! lol

  4. I totally agree...people grab onto people for the wrong does not come without respect and trust...the basics...has nothing to do with the material stuff, looks, etc...just the basics of a good, trust, honesty and respect...these are not seperate things! Word Sister :)
