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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Is anger helpful?
I think it can serve as a motivator, a behavior changer, a way to get unstuck if you are stuck.
I think anger can serve a purpose if it is growth oriented.
What I mean is that if you get angry at yourself for doing something you wish you wouldn’t have done then use it to change your behavior.
If you are angry at injustice that is taking place in the world and that motivates you to change something to help other…work it to your advantage!
If you are angry because your job is miserable, your relationships are bad, your health isn’t what it use to be…use the anger to motivate change…do it do it do it…
What anger should not be is a prison that you are held in. Anger can become your enemy if you don’t deal with it or if it is displaced.
Often times our anger gets displaced and we project it in ways that are hurtful to ourselves and others..
Anger can cause you to treat yourself and others badly. Anger can result in you losing your dignity, self-respect and rational thinking.
I have gotten irritated over the last year but I haven’t gotten angry to the point where I gave it power….I did recently.
I got angry and said things I didn’t mean to a friend…damage done…that is what anger does…damages relationship and sometimes in this case, the damage will not be repaired.
What was my growth in this…
1.      A reminder that anger is a secondary emotion and I need to deal with the primary emotion first so the anger disappears
2.      Accepting that primary emotion…in this case…my feelings got hurt and I was sad and had I dealt with that for myself then I wouldn’t have lashed out and hurt a friend.
3.      Take a moment before responding in any situation you feel angry in
4.      Accepting my humanity…damn it I am not perfect!
5.      Owning my own emotion...not blaming my anger on someone else…all me
So if you are angry about something or someone….where is the anger coming from? Are you hurt, embarrassed, ashamed, sad…
Deal with that first…see what a difference it makes…
Use it as a way to change…
Don’t stay prisoner to it…a huge waste of time
I fought anger and anger won…one time this year….he won’t be winning again anytime soon..
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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