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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Second Chances

Needing one more chance, a rewind, a redo…
 Do you ever feel like that? A sense of dread comes over you. Maybe because of mistakes you made or life circumstances. Some things that are in your control or things that are out of your control… forces you to take a look at where your life is…
How would I utilize a redo…a rewind…a second chance...
I would make the most of it…I would realize that there is no rewind, there is no redo but there is always a second chance.
I would focus on what is really important. I would focus on relationships with others. Relationship I have with myself.
I would forgive myself and others, unconditionally.
I would cherish every single day as if was my last…remind myself that it could be my last…
I would stop wasting time on making foolish mistakes…stop being unhealthy..take charge of my destiny..stop putting things off...
I would be in touch with spirituality in a way that I hadn’t been before…
I would believe that anything was possible..
I would let go of the past…let go of yesterday…
I would stay in the moment..stay in the day…
I would love, love, love…love myself, love my partner, love my kids, love my as if that was my only job in life…
What if I did get that second chance…
Maybe I don’t "wait" to get a second chance…maybe in this moment…at this time in my life…I say that I am going to create my second chance...
I believe I deserve a second chance...
I believe we deserve a second chance…let's take it...let's start…we start now..
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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