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Monday, April 18, 2011

Another Lonely Day

Another lonely day....only by choice
What do you do when you face hard times in your life? I am facing more challenges in my life. Another mountain to climb…
When I thought I had it all figured out…out of dark sky came a bolt of lightning.  
Why the constant fight, the ups and downs of life. The sorrow…sadness and pain.
I told myself that I was to old to be dealing with some of this stuff…to tired to be dealing with some of this stuff…to sad to be dealing with some of this stuff.
I remember to feel pain is to live...
What did I want to do…I wanted to throw myself down on the floor, scream and kick and cry…just like a child who had their feelings hurt for the first time.
What did I do…
I accepted and am accepting that just because I want something in my life doesn’t mean that I get it…
I accepted and am accepting that I am not to blame for everything that goes wrong on my life’s path; sometimes things just happen…
I accepted and am accepting that my sadness should not be fought but should be experienced  and embraced and that when I am ready I will let it go…
I accepted and am accepting that for whatever reason….I am meant to climb another mountain…alone and on my own….
I accepted and am accepting that when I reach the top of this mountain that the sun will shine down on me and I will have renewed strength to love, live and laugh.
I accepted and am accepting that I am a powerful, loving, intelligent and strong woman who can and will climb another mountain and with each step, no matter how painful, I will not lose sight of the top.
I refuse to stop climbing.
Another lonely day...only by choice
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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