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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Knowing Right from Wrong

Simple concept? Not always. Not for me anyway. I know the basics of right from wrong. I know all the stuff we were taught when we were children. Don’t lie, steal, cheat, hurt people. Say you are sorry if you do something wrong. Don’t do it again. Play nice with others, share….
All these are easy concepts for me. What has not been easy for me up until now is knowing right from wrong with  bigger life choices.
How do I know if I am in the right relationship, the right career, making the right life choices? I have struggled with these questions. What does that even mean, the right relationship, the right job, the right life choices?
When to stay, when to go?
My solution is simple. I now trust my instincts. I trust my gut for making those decisions and I don’t let the worry of what other people think control me.
 I don’t care anymore about what other people think of me. That has taken me a long time to resolve.
The fear of what others thought, or the judgement of others, kept me imprisoned for some time.
I don’t care anymore if people think I am smart enough, have a good enough job, have enough money, dress nice enough. I don’t care anymore if people think I have completely lost my mind.
What I care about is how I feel about myself.  I am learning to trust my instincts and only my instincts. I understand my needs.
People who care about me for who I am could care less who I am dating, what kind of house I live in or what kind of job I do. People who care about me for who I am love me for my heart and spirit. I finally love me for my heart and spirit.
Making the right decision doesn’t matter anymore. Making the decision that fits with me is what matters. There is no right or wrong. We are human beings and we make mistakes and that is how we, that is how I, learn and grow.
Make decisions based on what your instincts tell you….trust in yourself, accept and love yourself, you won’t be disappointed.
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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