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Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Understanding and Challenges

Those of you who know me know that I am a feeler…a processer…a thinker…
The first week in Africa has stretched me on all these levels…

Each day I come home with something new in my heart and mind
The love and tragedy of the people of Kenya.

Story after story

The story of a dead baby on the side of the rode…the story of domestic violence…the story of corruption and deceit from the government and police..

The story of women being separated from their children

Backstreet abortions

The incredible poverty that imprisons the slums of Nairobi

The ripped uniforms of the children

The hunger

The corruption of the government and police

The death by HIV

The death by Malaria

The death by so many curable diseases

Feeling isolated and alone

The blister on my heel from walking 6 miles a day through the slums
Being in the slums by myself not seeing another person that looks like me

The constant yells from the people

The aggressive man on the corner

At the end of this I felt like I was going to just sit down and cry…asking myself “What the hell am I doing in Africa by myself”
Then I was fed spiritually today and I remembered other things about my week

The power of the people

The love the people have for one another

The commitment to family

The reliance they have on each other

The strength of the women here

The smiles of the children

The love

The light

My pain and struggles are temporary in comparison to the people of Kenya and yet they hold faith, love and hope in their hearts…
In the darkness of what many Kenyans face everyday there is light

“If you don ‘t not believe that hearts can bloom suddenly bigger and that love can open like a flower out of even the hardest places then I am afraid that for you the road will be long and brown and barren and you will have trouble finding the light. But if you do believe then you already know all about the magic”  

I Believe!!!

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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