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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Day I Arrive

There are so many tragedies that happen every single day in this world…Oklahoma is no exception…
It has me thinking about life and death
I have thought of it a lot lately....
I have said it time and time again…life is short…don't wait…go for it…live…love….experience…serve others…
I still believe that philosophy....completely...not just in the wake of a tradedy....
I believe for me the most important aspects in life are relationships, love and helping others…I could care less about things..
I am practicing what I preach…I live simply and I take life by the horns and I ride it like there is no tomorrow….how we all should…..
I live by my life's philosophy
I love people…I have such wonderful relationships in my life...
I help others...
Sounds like an awesome and full is...
So have I arrived….???
Arrival is the day I take my last breath….the day my life here is done
I am hoping  my “arrival” occurs in about 60 years
There are no guarantees
What shall I do knowing this information....
Each day…..enter it as if I might “arrive”
Care for my relationships with others, forgive, ask for forgiveness, express love, let go of the stuff that doesn’t matter, stop worrying…stop fearing…
Not in the wake of a horrific event..
Every single day because this is how I want to I want to live...what life is to me
And most of all....
Keep my spiritual house in order daily...
None of us know the day we will "arrive"
Prayers and love out to all those who are suffering

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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