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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stuff some peanut butter in it...and fall in love with life

I have been talking to a few people lately that are really hard to tolerate
Because they are so negative…about everything…..refuse to see anything good in their lives….they have no loves…complain...nothing is ever enough
Time with them and people like them are good reminders for me; helps me refocus on what I love and what makes me happy
Here I go..
I love waking up to a hot cup of coffee and a newspaper by my bed on a Sunday morning
I love the sound of birds and the smell of lilacs
I love eating peanut butter and jelly…one scoop at a time out of the jar
I love the sunshine
I love the feeling of having God in my heart
I love starbucks
I love walking in Nature
I love meeting new people
I love my gym
I love to workout
I love books…bookstores…book marks….book lovers
I love the food network
I love cupcakes
I love to dream and plan and create and dream some more…I love I am a dreamer
I love an adventure
I love you….and you…and you…even If you don’t want me to
Happiness for me is simple…I love life…everything about it…even during the times I struggle…
Everything can be a don't need a BMW or a Mansion to be don't need the most money on the block...
It is all about your perceptions of life...
The next time you feel negative and miserable…grab a jar of peanut butter….a jar of jelly and a spoon…one spoon at a time….and enjoy the simple joys life has to offer
Enjoy what you have and fall in love with it….I promise your life will be so much happier and much more serene

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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