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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Whispers of love and promises in my ear

Whisper sweet nothings….
Words or actions…words or actions…
I melt for words….I love to read them, speak them and hear them…
I love to write them
I swoon for them........or maybe not so much anymore.....
What I am discovering lately is that words are not everything….sometimes they are nothing
They can be full of anger
Empty promises

They can be full of hurt
I have learned something about myself….I use to melt for words spoken to me...words of promise, love, commitment…words from “power people”, “church people”, “people I love”….
I don’t anymore…
I listen to the words of people but I watch for their actions....
I am cautious about melting for words alone…
If someone says they love me…do they behave that way…
If someone makes a commitment to me….do they follow through
If someone tells me they are honest …do they show me that ….
Show me what kind of person you are….don’t tell me….
Be the kind of person you want to be by actions not by words...
Close your ears and open your eyes with me...

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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