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Thursday, May 10, 2012

It Isn't Rocket Science

Is life simple and you complicated?
I don’t understand why people would rather live complicated rather than simple lives….
Simple in my mind
Do it!
Love yourself and love others and the simplest thing is let others love you….accept love and believe in it….it is real….you are worthy of being loved; don’t fight it; don’t discount it; embrace it…

The more people that love me the better
Love and let love
Simple in my mind
Do it!
Work to live, don’t live to work
What is complicated about this?
If you hate what you do then think about changing it; don’t give up and resign to a work life of misery
Work isn’t everything in life; work doesn’t define you as a person
Helping Others
Simple in my mind
Do it!
Look around and see what is happening in the lives of others. If they need help and you have the capacity to help then stop being selfish and do something for someone else
If you can’t feed the world…feed one person…you get the idea
Simple in my mind
Do it!
You only have one here on this earth and it is short and it is fragile and it can change in an instant
What would you regret or be sad about if it ended at this moment?
Let that guide you and everything you do
LOVE life, WORK in a job you like and fulfills you, HELP OTHERS every single day of your life, LIVE today because everything could be different tomorrow
It is Simple
Do it
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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