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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lots Learned in Two Days

I have learned a lot about myself the last couple of years but I think I have learned the most about myself the last six months and maybe the most to date about myself over the last forty-eight hours.  
Over the last couple of years I have learned that I have value and my happiness is important. Just as important as anyones..
The last six months
I have learned that there are good relationships to be had and that those should be coveted.
I have learned what unconditional love and acceptance is..
I have learned that the best relationships I have had have been based on solid friendships and genuine concern for the well being of the other before myself…
I have learned to forgive myself and love myself and accept myself as a flawed but fantastic person.
I have learned that I am passionate and emotional and learned to embrace that…what can I say....I am a Scorpio!
I have learned to face my fears and fight them
I have become spiritual
I have been dealt with some shocks and held my ground…stayed steady
I have learned that I am a strong, bad ass woman
I have learned that love is real
The last 48 hours
I have learned that no matter how good  a situation is or how wonderful a person is that nothing is certain
I have learned to deal with ambiguity.
I have been reminded that perceptions in the same situation vary and reminded to appreciate that variety.
I have learned that I don’t like saying goodbye.
I learned that being vulnerable is not being weak
Most of all I learned that there are still some incongruencies  between what my life is and what I want my life to be..
 I learned that I don’t want to wait anymore to address those inconsistencies.
What will I learn from my next 48 hours....
I wonder
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

1 comment:

  1. "Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what your gonna get."

    Forrest Gump
