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Monday, December 31, 2012

The World Did Not End in 2012....2013 Demands More of You...of Us

As many of you know I entered 2012 hanging on to the edge….

2011 was one of the more painful years in my life...

Heartbroken….sad…depleted on so many levels…I had definitely hit my low in 2011…

I entered this year (2012) determined to get my stuff taken care of…(to be fair to myself…I actually started my transformation July, 2011) but I was determined to have a good full year….

I did!!!!!!! Most of you have read my blog so you can figure out... step by step.... how I got back on my feet...

2012 was probably one of the top three “best and rock star awesome” years of my life…

I have had many great experience throughout my entire life…

So what made 2012 different…

I actually made a list of resolutions (reminders )in which I posted on my refrigerator and I looked at them almost every day for the entire year..

They were not crazy unattainable ones…they were just reminders of how I wanted to live…

Here are a few of mine from 2012:

Be Grateful

Thank God

Serve Others



Be Present

Cry When Need Be


Try As Many New Things as Possible

For most of this year I stayed present in the moment; I focused on everything good in my life (helps when sadness and difficult situations arise….which they did); I was of service to others; I found faith and spirituality; I prayed and talked to God....a lot; I let go; I cut negative people out of my life; I spent a lot of AWESOME time with my kids; I loved…loved…and loved….myself and others…

I also had a great time at work…I tried lots of new adventures….I traveled….I chose to focus on what was good in my life….even during the dark times of the year (this is life on life’s terms after all and dark times do happen…)

If you struggled in 2012....2013 can be different...I am sure of it!

It isn’t too late to live the life you want to live…internally and externally..

Overcoming adversity isn’t easy…making changes isn’t easy….sometimes doing the right thing isn't easy...looking for the good in every situation and every person isn’t easy….letting going and trusting God isn’t always easy….

But I did all these things this year and my year was amazing…

Make a 2013 “reminder” list and post it on your refrigerator….get your stuff together….it isn’t too late…you are not stuck…you can make changes…you can have the life you want….love yourself and deserve it..

Love you and here is to having an awesome 2013!!!!

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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