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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Life and Death...The Time is Now

I have a lot swirling around in my head….
I have for the last few weeks…
Life and death….
Within the last few months I have known of/heard of five people who have died….
One of cancer
Two of suicide
One from a heart attack
One from an accident
All of these people died…in my opinion……way before their time…
Of course a long time ago I let go of the idea that I ran the universe and that my opinion counted in matters like these…
 How many tragic reminders do I we need
The questions I reflect upon.....
Am I living the life that I should be living or am I stagnant
Am I true to my ideals...
Could I be doing more...Should I be doing more...
Do I walk the walk…not just talk the talk
Am I reminding myself every day to be patient, kind and compassionate to myself, my family, my friends, strangers

Am I going the extra mile...
Do I remember what is really important…
Am I getting sucked up into a meaningless, materialistic and plastic life...
Am I behaving in ways that remind me of what is important…
These are interesting questions that I find myself in deep reflection over…
It is time to stop letting tragedy refocus my attention
For the most part I am living the life I feel guided to live…
But there are some big chunks of things I know I am called to do that can’t be put off much longer….
In my opinion I will have 40 more years of great living left….
My opinion isn’t what matters…and I can’t count on that time...
I have unfinished business to attend to and have a good understanding my actions from this point forward is what really matters...
We don't need any more tragic events as reminders.......Do we????

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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