So many things to write about in the wake of this tragedy
I thought about writing about the goodness of people and
I thought about writing about grief and loss
About holding the ones you love close…not wasting a moment…living
life each day as if it is your last
About hope and faith
All valuable topics…all my truths….
What I settled on is writing about my disillusionment
I am not sure how many more tragedies we will face before we
take action…how many more murders, rapes, robberies will occur before we wake
up and really face what is happening…….
Guns are a symptom of the problem
Lack of mental health services is a symptom of the problem
Sensationalized media is a symptom of the problem
What is the problem……
We don’t communicate with one another anymore; we don’t
trust anymore, we don’t have community anymore, we don’t respect one another
anymore, we don’t listen to each other anymore, we don’t make time for each
other anymore…we don't help each other anymore
We are a society of people who want to get ahead at all costs
Who will
lie and manipulate to make money
Who will take advantage of each other in
order to feel powerful.
We are a society of people who don’t care unless it directly
impacts us….
We are a society of people who have no tolerance for the
weak, the sick, the old, the mentally ill, the poor
We are a society who are selfish and self- absorbed……..entitled
I know there are many of you out there that don’t fit in
this category….that are loving, giving and selfless…
It is no longer functional to disengage from each other and
only take care of your own
It is no longer functional to manipulate, use and disrespect
people to make money and gain power
It is no longer functional to ignore the weak, the sick, the
old and the mentally ill
We are banned together now in the wake of this tradgedy but
time will pass and we will go back to our lives and this will become a horrific
The way you feel today about your neighbor, your fellow
countryman, humans everywhere that are suffering is what you need to hold on to
from now on…regardless of politics, religious opinion, differences...Change is needed...
I am blessed this did not directly impact anyone I know or love but that does not mean it couldn't tomorrow...
The solution is with you………..The solution is with us
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G
Well put. Many have spoken, many still yet unheard and everyone impacted. Over the days to come, much will be talked about, some action taken and repercussions will be unimaginable... I expect that the decision makers, propagandist and religious right can't even know what action is required. My duty was to go to my place of worship today and quietly, on my own, without direction from the pulpit, cry my eyes out. All starts at home within each individual , and a sincere contrite heart that mourns the little children.
ReplyDeleteI may be naive but I really believe if people are pure of heart and love one another....accept love and give love unconditionally and are selfless that this world can change. There is selfishness in all of us but that doesn't have to consume us....Love and kindness are not complicated is beautiful...If I could change the world I would eradicate it of selfish, mean and manipulative people...people are hurting and I think it is our responsibility to love them until they can love themselves....even if they reject it...I would rather be naive then believe that this the way we can change our world...