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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Big Bad World

Safe in an unsafe, unloving and cruel world…
I have been thinking a lot about being in an unsafe, cruel and unloving world….I have recently heard many refer to the world in these terms...
I want to challenge you to think differently about your world…our world...
I feel safe, loved, hopeful and full of faith…
It is not because I have never had anything bad happen...
I have not been absent of violence, meanness or cruelty in my life…
My brother was murdered at the hands of a 14 year old carrying a gun….
All of my money was stolen out of my checking account...
My wallet was stolen from the grocery store…
People have said mean things to me; taken advantage; manipulated….hurt me…
Why don’t I scream at the top of my lungs “The world is unsafe”…"it is cruel…"It is evil…it is the apocalypse”
Because I remember all the kindness I have been given in my life

I remember how blessed I am…….
I got lost in Europe and strangers walked me back to where I needed to be…even though it was way out of their way...
I went to Guatemala for one month by myself and stayed in the home of a stranger who fed me, cared for me and worried about me….who helped me..
I got lost in Daniel Ortega’s neighborhood at night in Nicaragua with military all around me….I asked a woman to help me….she did…stayed with me until I was back at the place I needed to be…
I got my wallet stolen: people loaned me money to help me get by…
I was sick and people brought food and medicine to my house…
I needed a friend…people stepped up...loved me and listened..
I was alone for the holidays; people brought me in like one of their family members…
I did suffer great loss when my brother died; people loved me, called me, cried with me, held me…they were there for me…
These are just a few examples.....
I am not saying bad things don't happen...they do...they have to me and probably to you...
It is important; especially in bad situations.... to take time to look around and see the beauty of people; remember the goodness in your life... 
There is so much good in the world….there is safety…there is love…there is kindness…
Let’s not forget  the beauty in people; the beauty that surrounds us

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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