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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Playing the Lonely Hearts Club Band

Knock Knock
Who is there?
Damn...........not who I wanted at my door!!!
Loneliness is a normal and universal emotion 
Everyone at some point in their lives....myself included...has felt the deep grip of loneliness…
Loneliness can trap people and hold them hostage…
Loneliness leads people  in doing things to fill the void …..relationship after relationship…alcohol…food…things way worse and more destructive...
None of this works......and often the loneliness increases...
Try to fill yourself up with things that connect you to good people and healthy activities...
Church or a spiritual group, the gym, volunteering with others….something to get yourself out of that space; out of the frame of mind..
Hooray......If lonely isn’t visiting you right now….
But it doesn’t mean you don’t have a responsibility to your fellow human being
Reach out and connect with people…let them know you care….let them know they are not alone…be available, be present….be selfless…
Friend or stranger….we all need someone to smile at us; ask us how we are... to show us we are important and valued…
These small gestures can go a long way to keep loneliness out of our lives....out of my life and out of your life... 

I am blessed this holiday season that my cup is full....I am not visiting with lonely....
But....I still have a you do...
Put your mittens on and get outside and connect with others....
Reach out if you need….reach toward if you don’t….
We have no other options this holiday season
 "The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.”
Mother Teresa
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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