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Monday, April 30, 2012

The Big Bad Bridge

You might not believe this but I use to be afraid to drive across the Astoria Bridge.
A long bridge that spans 4 miles over the Columbia River…
I would have to pull over and have someone drive over the bridge for me or I wouldn't go...
I use to be afraid to fly, to drive on the freeway, to believe I deserved anything good…
I was afraid of what people thought of me; afraid I would disappoint people..
How did this happene to me.....
I wasn’t afraid as a teenager 
 Somewhere in my early 20’s I let fear freeze me and imprison me…for a long long time..
Hard to believe coming from a woman who in the past five years completed a PhD, left an unhealthy relationship, addressed some painful  and real issues,  traveled to 7 countries and…….I don’t even know how many States
A woman who now on a dime will rock climb, hot air balloon and take any adventure or opportunity presented..
How did I for so long stay trapped in my own fears...
It snuck up on me....little by little...year by year...
The reasons don't matter...
What matters is how I thawed...
How did I unfreeze….
I stepped off the path that I allowed someone to create for me………I had faith that my life could and would be better…
Faith is a powerful thing...
I stopped being a passenger in my life and decided to take the wheel..
I stopped blaming everyone for my situation, unhappiness..
I  took responsibility for myself and my life...
I stepped off the cliff and believed I would find solid ground…
I did!! I found more than solid ground
I found  spirituality, humility, awareness,  true love, and happiness
I still experience fear, I still have sadness, I still hurt….I am a human
What is different is I don’t let it trap me or stop me from living the life I always wanted to live
I don’t let it stop me from being the me I have always wanted to be
I experience the feelings, I speak to them, I let them go and I live.....
Don’t be afraid to cross the bridge….experience it, speak to it, let it go and live
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G


  1. a few short lines overcome...

    Accepting the things I cannot change...
    Courage to change the things I can...
    Wisdom in knowing the difference...

    Additionally, knowing who I am, where I came from and finally, where I am going...

    Lastly, Who made me and Who loves me unconditionally!

    Nothing has ever been nearly as bad as I imagined it would be and anything good has been just more no less!

    1. I stood at a crossroads...the choice was simple...stay stuck in misery because it was easy and more comforting...I knew it and it was less scary or step on another path in which I didn't know and trust and have faith...I took the other path and although it hasn't been a perfect is mine and I have not walked alone on it...each day new and scary and exciting and mine and I understand what life is suppose to be....mostly happy and good :)

    2. I just read this on a reader board and I wish I would have seen it before I blogged because my blog would have been much shorter..."You are remembered for what you do....not the what you plan to do"
      That sums it up for me. Love to you all :)

    3. I love your post. You are truly an inspiration to me. Keep living my friend!!
