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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Don't Eat the Cookies in the Cookie Jar

Dating to me lately has been like eating stale cookies.
A little about me
 I love to work out and stay fit. Occasionally, actually very rarely anymore, I diet
I don’t like to diet because I work out hard and feel like as long as I work out I can maintain my current look and indulge once in a while….
Anyway, Occasionally I get it in my head that I need to be skinner so I start cutting out things from my diet. Usually the good stuff like cakes, chips, cookies…etc…
During those times I eliminate all of that stuff from my house so I am not tempted. I strip it down bare…
Inevitably I start to crave it at some point during the “diet”
I start thinking about it, telling myself I need it, crave it…want it…until I breakdown and go scavenging through my bare cupboards…
I usually find a box of stale cookies…I have fantasized about what they will taste like, I can barely wait to eat one…I open the package like a mad woman and shove a few in my mouth…chew..chew…done
Then what
Oh my God!!! Was that it…I wasted all that emotion and energy and calories on stale cookies
After the episode I feel bad…I wish I hadn’t eaten them and I realize it wasn’t what I wanted after all
What  I really wanted was a carton of “anything but” by Ben and Jerry’s covered with Mrs. Richardson’s hot fudge sauce (piping hot from the micro) or RazzleBerry Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream
Why didn’t I get that and really enjoy myself
Well because I was too lazy and too impatient to go to the store
I wanted something sweet immediately
I wasn’t willing to wait, to plan and to be patient
For me it doesn’t have to do with splurging or not, it has to do with me knowing what I want but not being patient in the process…
I have dated stale cookies since I have been single…their shelf life long expired
Just because something is easy and convenient doesn’t mean that it is right, it doesn’t mean I want it, doesn’t mean I have to settle for it
 Just because a cookie is in the cookie jar it doesn’t mean it is suitable to eat
Waiting for a good dessert is much better then settling for a dried up old stale cookie
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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