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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's Love Got To Do With It....EVERYTHING

We hurt the people we love the most………..RIDICULOUS
Have you heard that phrase? I am here to dispute that saying and behavior. To me that is a load of….
Really we hurt the people we love the most?  That makes absolutely no sense to me on a basic level…
I think someone made that up to justify being treated terribly over and over by someone that “loved” them…
Love to me isn’t being rude to someone, taking advantage of them, using them, manipulating them or treating them badly…
That is not love to me….
If you love me don’t treat me like a doormat, take advantage of me, call me names, take your bad days out on me and be an overall jerk…
To me love is kind and gentle….it is patient and giving….it is mutual and respectful….it is  happy and good…
Love is honesty and support in good and bad situations
We all have bad days and snap at those we love… lose our tempers… are irritable and sometimes inconsiderate…we are human beings…
But if you want to prove you love me the most by consistently being rude to me, taking advantage of my kindness, using me, manipulating me then…. I am here to tell you that I can do without that kind of love…..that isn’t what I deserve…
The kind of love I want and will find someday is mirrored in this slightly adapted quote (modified by mg)
I want a man who calls me beautiful instead of hot, a man that is kind and honest, a man who will lie under the stars and listen to my heartbeat and who will stay awake and watch me sleep because he thinks I am amazing, a man that kisses my forehead and holds my hand, who wants to show me off to the world when I have my baggy sweat pants on and my Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt on, a man who thinks I look stunning all the time, with and without makeup, a man who tells me he loves me and cares about me and how lucky he is to have me, a man that turns to his friends and says “that’s her”….
In return
 I will be the woman who doesn’t care about the bald head and chubby belly, the woman who is kind and honest,  the woman that will be his best friend, the woman who will cuddle up to him on the couch when his football game is on (even if it isn’t the Steelers), the woman who thinks he is amazing and is his number fan, the woman that holds his hand, kisses his cheeks and wants to show him off to the world… even when he hasn’t trimmed his nose hairs the woman who turns to her friends and says “that’s him”….
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.


  1. You need a latin man - except "football" is really soccer - there's plenty of them here... You will be "Princesa Mary, mi vida, mi tesora, eres todo para mi - hasta mi ultimo respiro, eres la unica en mi vida"

    1. Love it!!! I do love soccer and Latin America :)
