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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Successful or a Vagabond?

For a long time I was led to believe that success was...


A job that you stayed in for a whole career

A huge 401k

Owning a house with a picket fence

Owning a nice car

Belonging to some fancy community organization


Never losing your keys; being organized and on-task

Returning to the same vacation spot; year after year

Hitting that favorite eatery every friday with the same crowd of friends

Same traditions around every holiday

Steady, routine, rock solid and responsible-Success

I was led to believe that if I did not have that or did not want that then I was somehow inadequate...a failure..

I am happy for those who have this life...those who want this life...there is nothing wrong with fitting into the traditional mold of success

I had that for a long time but….

It didn't feel right...happy...content...

For a long time I thought there was something wrong with me…

Why did that life make me want to put a needle in my eye or drink a bottle of vodka???

Did I need therapy? Medication? (Maybe... but not in relationship to this issue)

I realized I needed  to let go of the opinions of others and define my own life; my own success and my own failures

Success for me is not showing people my bright and shining possessions, having a perfect outside appearance or a big diamond ring...

Success is not tangible for is not always safe and it is hardly the same each time I experience it

It is made up of new experiences, traveling to new places, meeting new people, serving others, loving with all that I have…

Success is in my spirituality

Success is knowing that each person close to me in my life would be there to support me at any moment I needed

Success is knowing I raised two children to be loving, kind and unique individuals

Success is accepting that I don’t fit into a traditional mold

Success is embracing and celebrating being a wanderlust
We are responsible for measuring our own success in this life; our life

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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