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Friday, March 28, 2014

A World without Self-Help Books

As I sat in Barnes and Noble today leafing through an O magazine I started to feel myself get angry

This blog is not a criticism on Oprah or Brene Brown, Depak Chopra or Dr. Phil (all of whom was featured in some way in the magazine)

This is just an observation

This country is flooded with self-help books, books to help you self-actualize, Ted talks about courage and being vulnerable,  Gurus that will take your money and help you find the purpose of life….etc..etc..etc..

All of this for $19.99

These books are usually (not always) written by the privileged for the privileged

In the real world who has time to read this stuff?

The majority of people in this country are struggling to make it through each and every day

They go to work at reputable blue collar jobs; working long hours

They worry about how they can make enough to pay their bills… let alone buy their children anything

Many of them are single parents

They are tired and they are struggling and they don’t have the time or the money to buy books about becoming enlightened

They don’t have to because they are already enlightened

They are enlightened, courageous, strong, and vulnerable

Nothing is more enlightening then knowing life has real struggles

Nothing is more courageous than working multiple jobs at low pay to support a family

Nothing shows more strengthen then showing up each and every day to the life you have been given with a smile and sense of grace

Nothing is more vulnerable than having to ask for help when needed

How about we listen to their opinions on life

How about we pay our $19.99 to those who already have it figured out

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.
P.S. My bit of self help adivce for free: Have real relationships with real people,  help, love, work hard and get off the pity pot. Look at all the money you just saved :)

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