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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Change is not the Enemy

Why don’t people change?
Change is difficult…I am not negating that at all
There are a few people in my life that are more miserable than not on a regular basis…
I know this because I can see it in the way they live or what they say…
I can see the pain in their eyes….the heartache…..the sadness…the longing for things to be different….
Why won’t they change?
I have some ideas around why people won’t change………..
People struggle with change because they are afraid…
People struggle with change because they are guilty…
People struggle with change because they are unwilling…

People Struggle with change because they get stuck in a cycle of self-punishment…
People struggle with change because they feel unworthy....
People have not experience the limit of their misery…
I have made some major changes in the last two years… required me to look inside of myself and really figure out who I was…what I wanted…what I was afraid of…what I felt guilty over…why I felt unworthy…why I was unwilling and why I was stuck in a cycle of self-punishment…
Hard Hard Work…Painful…Brutal…
The best thing that ever happened to me was getting knocked to my knees by life and having to pull myself up and take full responsibility for me….

To allow myself to push through the fear and guilt and unwillingness….
To allow myself to be helped by others...
To allow myself to be love by others…
Today…because of the changes I have made and allowed in my life…I am in the best shape emotionally, physically and spiritually then I ever have been before..
My relationships with others are real and healthy and loving
My job, my life and my bank account (could be better) but totally solid…
If you are at the cross roads and you feel like you can’t do anything about “it”……….you can…dig deep…find out what’s going on…ask for help…
Start the journey of change…one step at a time…
Life can get better if you let it…

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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