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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dr. Mary Love

Love and Relationships

As the love month comes to an end I feel compelled to write on the topic

I purposely avoided it on Valentine’s Day 
 I find that to be one of the more ridiculous, commercialized and completely inappropriate holidays….

I may not believe in the concept of Valentine’s Day but I believe in Love and Healthy Relationships

I have been single on and off for the last two years
I have learned some very valuable lessons about love and relationships by experiencing the best and worst....
Here is what I have come up with over the past two years....
A relationship with another person does not need to be difficult; with the right person it can be more joy than pain, more happiness than sadness, more bright than dark

Desperately seeking love only ends in disaster

Love is in life....with or without a "partner"

It is so okay to be alone

Being alone does not make you unworthy, unlovable, or invaluable

Being with the wrong person is more lonely than being alone

Love is born from spirituality

The idea of being in ANY or wrong relationship “just so you have someone” is insane thinking

Fear and Love……….NOT the same……….shouldn’t be used in the same sentence……(afraid to be alone, afraid to grow old alone, afraid to be financial insecure….Oh my….think about this)

If you don’t love yourself, appreciate yourself……you will never be capable of being in the kind of relationship that you deserve…… that is kind, compassionate, equal and awesome……you will always be chasing something that isn’t out there….something that is internal in you...

Love yourself…

Love your God....

Love your Friends and Neighbors...

Love your Family....

And you will never be alone……….

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary Amanda Love

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