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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Flip the Switch

The lights went out…
The last few days I have opened my eyes to the dark…the fall and winter returning…
A sense of dread in my heart and sadness…
I laid in bed the other morning and thought about pulling the covers over my head and not getting up….
I made myself get out of my bed…and turn on the light..
When the dark comes…which it always does…
Weather changes, relationship changes, life changes, deaths, sadness, disappointment…
What do you do…
What I do is find my light switch…I go back to basics immediately
I eat right, I exercise, I get enough sleep, I get out of my head and try and help others, I stay busy, I stay close to those I love…those that love me…
I avoid staying in bed too long with my head covered up..... I know the longer I stay in the dark…the worse I will feel…the darker it becomes…
As darkness approaches in your life…whether it be the change of season or a life event…
Find the switch quickly and turn it on….go back to basics…don’t forget what brings light in your life…
Let’s plow through the dark together…hand in hand…if I forget to flip the switch…remind me….as I will remind you my friends..

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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