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Monday, July 16, 2012

Battery Operated...No Talking Back

Stop the Relationship Insanity
So we have covered how to love….or at least how I love
Let’s cover the relationship part
I ask you this......
Why do people have this crazy need to be in unhealthy relationships....
I know many people who will admit openly to not liking, loving or wanting to be  with their partners…
I know many people who are desperately seeking someone because they don’t want to be alone…or grow old alone...
I know many people who meet someone, then the next someone, and the next and the next...and each one is coincidentally “the one"
This all seems crazy and rushed and not real...
I ask people why they behave this way....or stay when they are unhappy or being treated badly
 I  hear they are afraid to be alone; afraid they won’t meet anyone else; afraid of being financially insecure…afraid of growing old by themselves…

I relate to all of those fears…believe you me..
But I know those fears are not my reality
What I know for me is that I have been very very alone and still in a relationship
What I know  for me is that I have met tons of people
What I know is that being financially stable is a temporary thing that can change for any of us…partnered or not
What I know is that even if I do have a partner…that doesn’t guarantee they will outlive me…
Each person has to do what works for them in regards to relationships
For me it means not getting swept away in irrational, crazy thinking about what a relationship is or is not...
The process of relationships for me is drama free; not desperate; not needy and not full of irrational fear…
It is definitely not urgent or rushed...
For me it means taking a deep breath...relaxing...and not being afraid...
For me....It is perfectly acceptable just to be....

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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