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Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Worst Enemy....Me

Over the past couple of weeks I have faced some bumps in the road…

Moments and situations that have caused me to reflect on endings…and the past and the future…

I had some feelings  of fear, hurt, anger, confusion,  anxiety and sadness…

Because there were multiple situations that occurred over a short period of time....I momentarily lost the idea of stopping and looking at the root of the situation before letting the feelings overcome me
I felt frozen for a second and overwhelmed
Being Human

Then I remembered to take a breath, peel each thing apart, look at each feeling individually and find the cause…
And what did I discover

I was the cause

I am not minimizing the events I faced….a sick parent, a graduating child, an ex-partner issue, a misunderstanding with a friend, miscommunication, disappointment and hurt feelings…

Each of these situations warrants feelings and time set aside for these feelings
But these situations or any situations don’t warrant getting stuck over or being trapped by…

None of us have  as much control….or any control for that matter…. over the things that happen in our lives….(make an apt with me if you think you do)

But what we do have control over is our feelings, our thoughts, and how we face each situation, person, problem, and dilemma
I appreciate I am at a stage in my life…. earned through some hard knocks…that I don’t give into self-sabotage for very long

I let go

I stop overthinking and processing (professional hazard)

Time is too precious to waste on being overwhelmed by things you can’t control….control with it…work it out…let it go…and be happy
Don't be your worst enemy in life
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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