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Monday, January 20, 2014

Time for BiFocals

Many times sighted people go through life without seeing
Looking at people and not really seeing them
Avoid making eye contact because they can’t be bothered; not enough time
Taking walks outside but not seeing the beauty around them
When was the last time you really took time to see…to fully see
When was the last time that you looked at what was hanging on your walls, really looked at the pictures, the art, the paintings
When was the last time you stopped and really looked around and noticed your surroundings
I stopped really seeing a while ago
I can’t remember when it happened but I know why it happened...too busy..too much going on...stuck in my
As I walked along a serene and beautiful path today I wondered about the last time I really saw things…fully and clearly
It made me think of being a child
Children see everything
Every color, every leaf, every blade of grass
Every face, every animal, every scene
So much so that parents get frustrated because they want to stop and look at everything, study everything….they are in awe of everything around them
I want to get that child sight back
When I was in my twenties I could sit for hours in a park and just be content….observing
Life took over and I got busy and distracted
Instead I gained an ability to look but not see
An ability to sort out things and ignore them
An ability to look straight through and not have to register
An ability to multi-task; a busy mind
This ability has served its purpose but as I get older I don’t need or want those abilities to be so sharp anymore...
I want to practice and master looking through the eyes of a child again….seeing everything around me…not missing a life moment
It is time to refocus….on the beauty of life
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

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