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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Help??? Only if You Deserve It

Everything is a little whacked…in the world…just my opinion
I have a hard time understanding some of the stuff that has been happening lately…stuff born out of hate…and disregard for others

Hours can be spent debating the cause....discussing who is to blame

What a waste of time

Pointing fingers does nothing to solve the problem

Rationalizing, overthinking, blaming others for their predicaments....not productive
I am pretty simple these days...I try to adhere to the following ideas:

Love and help others
I am no saint…not even close to being one (LOL no need to comment…you know who you are)

But what I try to do is  act from the heart on a daily basis
If I see or know of someone hurting , I have the honest desire to help them

I make it my responsibility to know what is happening and not turn a blind eye to the suffering of others

Helping is unconditional to doesn't matter how a person got to the point of needing help,  what response they have, what religious background they come from, how their attitude is…


Because at the very heart of being human is the ability to put aside politics, anger, classism, blame and punitive attitudes and reach out and help another person in need
Because regardless of who you are, where you come from, your political party…

The core of humanity and in the heart should be the desire to help others….


Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.





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