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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wanna Be Perfect?

What is perfect??

There is so much pressure in this society to be perfect. Have the perfect body, perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect clothes, perfect house, perfect kids, perfect everything..

Who gets to define perfect?
Not the media, not the neighbors you are competing with, not society…
You and you alone get to define perfect
To me the perfect body is the one I have…flab and all…

The perfect hair..mine…tangled, mangled, blonde, roots showing…mine..
The perfect skin…my 43 year old skin..
The perfect clothes….my yoga pants, t-shirt and flip flops..
The perfect house…my tiny little one story rancher with no more than 1,200 square feet in it..
The perfect kids….my sweet 11 year old and my beautiful loving 16 year old..
The perfect partner……a man that is honest, who is loving, compassionate, who will try new things, who helps others, who makes me laugh, who laughs with me, easy to talk to, listens…who loves life and God….the perfect partner…the one I chose….mine..
Stop trying to live up to what others define as perfect...
Perfect is what you want it to be….Perfect is what you are today
You are Perfectly made...acceptable in all ways...
Living life....a lot less pressure this way.. 
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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