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Monday, June 11, 2012

Ready or Not...Here it Comes

I recently heard a character in a movie talk about “The point of Impact”
That moment in one’s life when everything changes...
That moment you don’t see coming….but it does come and life is never the same after it..
I believe those moments...those points of impact in life can be both good and bad…
When the good comes I am overjoyed and super prepared for the happiness it brings....
But how about the points of impact….the crashes…in which we don’t see coming and we aren’t prepared….
Point of impact 1
When I was 21 years old and got the phone call that my dad had died suddenly
Point of impact 2
When I was 26 years old and got the phone call that my brother had been murdered by a 14 year old wheeling a gun…
Point of impact 3
When my relationship of 18 years ended and the after math of that…
Point of impact 4
Heartbreak beyond belief 
What I have discovered in myself is that I am always ready for joyous life changing events but I have seldom been ready for those points of impact that have forced me to my knees in pain and sorrow….
Can we ever be ready for those?
I believe we can…I believe I can…I believe I am…
What is different now in my life is that I am surrounded by healthy people who love me unconditionally....who will pick me up when I need them to...who will be there no matter what...
What is different in my life is that I truly love myself.... flaws and all and when that point of impact comes I won’t jump to the self-damaging and unhelpful ways of coping
What is different in my life is that I am spiritual ...I am sure I will  still be on my knees in pain and sorrow but also in humility and asking for help from something outside of myself
What is different in my life is that I don’t need to pretend anymore that I have all the answers and that I don’t need help
What is different in my life is that I am not waiting for that point of impact…not worrying….not dreading when it will come again…I don’t think about it…
I know I am living life on life’s terms and there will be other points of will come again someday and life will change because of it… but I am not afraid and I am not alone and when it comes again I know what to do and who to turn to…
Points of Impact, unfortunately, are a part of being human but...

 I know how to experience them now, how to honor them and how to rise again to my feet once they have passed...
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

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