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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Control yourself or be control...what do you decide?

The closest to being in control we will ever be is in that moment that we realize we are not-Brian Kessler

Control less and trust more…
The condition of becoming a dumbass....Ignore the dumbass or become the dumbass...(for sensitive readers I will refer to this condition as DA)
What does that mean to you?
What it means to me is practicing new behaviors
 Realizing that I am not in control of people, places, things or DA(s)
I have come to let go of controlling others and I work only on controlling myself… is so much better this way
I  recognize that I have no control over anyone or anything except myself…I can argue with someone, pray that they will change, get angry, become codependent, cry, have temper tantrums, plead, beg, laugh, bribe and tickle….but the bottom line is…
That is a huge waste of my time and energy
The days that I forget I don’t control the universe are the days in which I am the most miserable human being to be around….I don’t even want to be around myself…
Those are the days where I argue with people and try to fix everything and those are the days I become a big old DA...supersized DA (hard to believe I know)
The days I remember to focus on my choices and how I conduct myself are days filled with serenity, peace and happiness…true joy...
Ask yourself this question:
Am I trying to control people, places and things….am I trying to control the universe?
Have you ever said to yourself “if they just did it the way I thought it should be done then I wouldn’t be so miserable"?
If you have…that’s okay…I have done that lots of times….we are human
What I do differently now is disengage from people, places and things that cause me grief and heartache and misery and I allow the process to run its course in those situations...I don't run that course anymore
I try and focus on myself and how I want to behave and how I want to respond. I choose to represent myself to the world as a serene, happy and free person….not all bound up with control issues..
Life is too short to act like a DA J
 Come with me and let's focus on what we can control….ourselves
The rest of the universe will fall into place as it should be...
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

1 comment:

  1. Right on Mary!!! I love that you're blogging again - keep it UP!
