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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Compassion..Say What?

As I stood on the street corner I watched person after person walk over a homeless man as if he were garbage…
Would people walk over me as if I were garbage if I were lying in the street?
No they wouldn’t…wouldn’t because I don’t appear to be “indigent”...
What does appearance have to do with human compassion...why does how a man or a woman look matter?
Have you walked over a person...homeless or not...different than you and refused to look at them...been disgusted by them...not even thought about them?
Compassion…where has human compassion gone?
What does it mean to show compassion and respect to others?
 I find myself bothered by several things. Really bothered…
The lack of compassion that I see from one person to another
The lack of time and energy put into relationships
The amount of waste that happens
The lack of investment in the lives of people around the world
I know that most of you reading this are caring, kind and helpful people.
I also know that most of you, myself included, get wrapped up taking care of our daily lives....we feel stretched..
Caring for our loved ones...our jobs, our homes, our friends, ourselves….all things that need tended…all important things..
I am grateful I have loved ones, a job, a home and friends to tend to...not everyone has what I have...many people do not have what I have...
What about those who are homeless, hungry, are we showing kindness, compassion and respect for them?
I don't care about the age old argument I have found myself in over and over again about  how or why they are homeless, hungry, struggling with addiction or mental illness...choice, not a choice...I don't care...I don't care...I don't care..I don't care to have that argument anymore.
What I really care about is how we are helping the homeless, hungry, and abused. How are we showing that we have compassion, respect and love for them.
How do we sustain that everyday…helping someone....
It isn’t about the one trip a year to build houses or the volunteering once a month…those are wonderful things…not to be minimized...
What I want to know is what we are doing in our everyday lives..
Is it possible for us to take a few moments everyday of our lives from this day forward to show respect, kindness, empathy and practice understanding to someone we may have overlooked?
Share a smile, a kind word, eye contact, a cup of coffee.
Stop and look around; take a few minutes every day to practice compassion.
Don’t walk over a person as if they are garbage in the streets….as if they are invisible.
People are not invisible…
Make eye contact, smile, let them know you care and hope things get better for them…take a moment to listen to someone…
Every human being wants to be treated with love, kindness, respect and compassion…we all want to feel as if our story matters to someone…
Practice this the neighbor...the clerk...the gentlemen sitting in the rain on the corner....
Don't do it  to get your name on a plaque or for a tax it because... people are worth it...people need it...people deserve it...
Practice compassion and respect with me
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

Monday, April 18, 2011

Another Lonely Day

Another lonely day....only by choice
What do you do when you face hard times in your life? I am facing more challenges in my life. Another mountain to climb…
When I thought I had it all figured out…out of dark sky came a bolt of lightning.  
Why the constant fight, the ups and downs of life. The sorrow…sadness and pain.
I told myself that I was to old to be dealing with some of this stuff…to tired to be dealing with some of this stuff…to sad to be dealing with some of this stuff.
I remember to feel pain is to live...
What did I want to do…I wanted to throw myself down on the floor, scream and kick and cry…just like a child who had their feelings hurt for the first time.
What did I do…
I accepted and am accepting that just because I want something in my life doesn’t mean that I get it…
I accepted and am accepting that I am not to blame for everything that goes wrong on my life’s path; sometimes things just happen…
I accepted and am accepting that my sadness should not be fought but should be experienced  and embraced and that when I am ready I will let it go…
I accepted and am accepting that for whatever reason….I am meant to climb another mountain…alone and on my own….
I accepted and am accepting that when I reach the top of this mountain that the sun will shine down on me and I will have renewed strength to love, live and laugh.
I accepted and am accepting that I am a powerful, loving, intelligent and strong woman who can and will climb another mountain and with each step, no matter how painful, I will not lose sight of the top.
I refuse to stop climbing.
Another lonely day...only by choice
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Second Chances

Needing one more chance, a rewind, a redo…
 Do you ever feel like that? A sense of dread comes over you. Maybe because of mistakes you made or life circumstances. Some things that are in your control or things that are out of your control… forces you to take a look at where your life is…
How would I utilize a redo…a rewind…a second chance...
I would make the most of it…I would realize that there is no rewind, there is no redo but there is always a second chance.
I would focus on what is really important. I would focus on relationships with others. Relationship I have with myself.
I would forgive myself and others, unconditionally.
I would cherish every single day as if was my last…remind myself that it could be my last…
I would stop wasting time on making foolish mistakes…stop being unhealthy..take charge of my destiny..stop putting things off...
I would be in touch with spirituality in a way that I hadn’t been before…
I would believe that anything was possible..
I would let go of the past…let go of yesterday…
I would stay in the moment..stay in the day…
I would love, love, love…love myself, love my partner, love my kids, love my as if that was my only job in life…
What if I did get that second chance…
Maybe I don’t "wait" to get a second chance…maybe in this moment…at this time in my life…I say that I am going to create my second chance...
I believe I deserve a second chance...
I believe we deserve a second chance…let's take it...let's start…we start now..
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Knowing Right from Wrong

Simple concept? Not always. Not for me anyway. I know the basics of right from wrong. I know all the stuff we were taught when we were children. Don’t lie, steal, cheat, hurt people. Say you are sorry if you do something wrong. Don’t do it again. Play nice with others, share….
All these are easy concepts for me. What has not been easy for me up until now is knowing right from wrong with  bigger life choices.
How do I know if I am in the right relationship, the right career, making the right life choices? I have struggled with these questions. What does that even mean, the right relationship, the right job, the right life choices?
When to stay, when to go?
My solution is simple. I now trust my instincts. I trust my gut for making those decisions and I don’t let the worry of what other people think control me.
 I don’t care anymore about what other people think of me. That has taken me a long time to resolve.
The fear of what others thought, or the judgement of others, kept me imprisoned for some time.
I don’t care anymore if people think I am smart enough, have a good enough job, have enough money, dress nice enough. I don’t care anymore if people think I have completely lost my mind.
What I care about is how I feel about myself.  I am learning to trust my instincts and only my instincts. I understand my needs.
People who care about me for who I am could care less who I am dating, what kind of house I live in or what kind of job I do. People who care about me for who I am love me for my heart and spirit. I finally love me for my heart and spirit.
Making the right decision doesn’t matter anymore. Making the decision that fits with me is what matters. There is no right or wrong. We are human beings and we make mistakes and that is how we, that is how I, learn and grow.
Make decisions based on what your instincts tell you….trust in yourself, accept and love yourself, you won’t be disappointed.
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G