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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is fear winning?

Several times I have spoken of fear.  Fear has been an overarching theme in my life. I am tired of fear.
Fear is similar to a bad cold.
Both can hang on for a long time…linger…feel like they won’t go away. Thankfully, we recover from bad colds and they run their course and eventually we are better; back to our old selves.
Fear on the other hand, unless properly treated, does not go away…it does not run its course…it often grows, compromises our way of life, our dreams and our hopes.
Fear comes from many places. I think in order to conquer fear a person needs to identify its source.
Like many of us I struggled to fit in when I was young.  I never quite felt good enough, pretty enough, smart enough and definitely never had enough money. 
 I weathered the storm of adolescents; grew up and found people in my life that accepted me for who I was.  The problem was, like a cold virus, the fear had  already set in and spread. I didn't treat it for a long time.
I was able to mask it but self-doubt lingered for many years in my life.  My fear of not being good enough for others; my fear of disappointing others; fear of what people would think of my decisions; and fear of rejection. These fears held me tight for a long time. They held me in jobs I didn’t want to be in and relationships I should have been out of…they held me in towns I hated and in lifestyles I wanted nothing to do with…
Fear called for my power and I gave it freely without a fight. I submitted to it.
Then like a cold, the fever broke…the breath of life came back to me…I knew I would recover.
I made major changes. I realized what Christopher Coan says is true “fear cannot take what you do not give it.”
I still have fear, I am human.
What I don’t do any longer is submit to the fear. I look it straight in the eyes. I don’t give it my power. I hang on to my power, I fight the fear and I win.
What are your fears? Where do they come from? What has your fear stop you from doing in your life? Ask yourself those questions. Listen to your answers. Fight the fear harder than you have fought anything in your life.  Speak your fears out loud. Shed some light on them.
The boogeyman never looks as scary in the light as we think he is in the dark.
Stand at the crossroads with me…take the path that you want to take; don’t let fear stand in your way. Refuse to let fear block your path!
Keeping it real with Dr. Mary G


  1. Thanks for sharing, Mary. I think what's especially hard is that we live in a society that perpetuates fear, via media, government dispatches, etc. So once the micro fears have taken hold (as they do for all of us if we're human) it becomes even harder for us to untangle ourselves from our own minutiae of fears that we developed in our youth with the fears that are conflated in mass media, news, etc. I love the Pema Chodron quote about fear and anxiety: "I used to have a sign pinned up on my wall that read: Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us...It was all about letting go of everything."
    Oh, and you're a rock star. xox

  2. I always remember you as one of my favorite peeps in Chelan, and that town does not have many good memories for me. You were always so real, always had a smile and never seemed to be afraid to just be yourself. F
