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Monday, August 4, 2014

Frog Legs: It's What's for Dinner

The frog in the frying pan
My friend today reminded me of the analogy of the frog in the frying pan

If you put a frog in a frying pan (please don’t) and turn the heat up extremely high the frog jumps out immediately

If you put a frog in a frying pan (please don’t) and turn the heat up a little bit at a time….very slowly….it will stay put and die there…
Clearly this is a metaphor for life

Some people have little choice but to live their lives in a frying pan slowly losing the battle against life and its circumstances
For those of us who do have the choice to jump out....I am left wondering why we don’t make those changes…

Like the slow heat many of us don’t notice we are cooking to death until it becomes too late or we are too tired or too old…or we have just submitted
I was a frog in a frying pan once

It took me many years to realize it    
I am not that anymore

If people are toxic in my life I remove them as soon as I can…friends, family, intimate partners and strangers…it makes no difference
Co-dependency is a frying pan

Unhealthy life choices are frying pans
Blaming others for your choices is a frying pan; Constant complaining…sizzle..sizzle…

Pessimism is a frying pan
If I feel myself being sucked into negativity, anger, shame, guilt or any of the above…I jump out or sometimes my friends pull me out

If you have the feeling that life is getting “hotter and hotter” …then maybe you are a frog in a frying pan…

Take a moment and think about it

Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G