“The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that’s the day you start to the top”
Excuses Excuses Excuses
I myself have been guilty of falling into the trap of excuses.
I have pretty much overcome excuses for myself. I don’t blame others for me not doing what I want to do or what I need to do…I am living my life now with no excuses and it feels empowering…
I have always wanted to travel…I am traveling now…no more excuses…
The one area of growth is getting trapped by the excuses of others…I still get sucked into that vortex…
Either validating their excuses or making excuses for their behaviors..
If someone is treating me badly I try and excuse their behavior by saying “they are having a hard time” “life is difficult for them” “they don’t communicate well”
While all this may be true (most of the time it is) that does not mean I have to sit around and be treated badly by someone…friends, family, partners, strangers, or colleagues….
Making excuses for someone is different than having empathy for someone. We all have tough times. I empathize for people but I also don’t want to get trapped anymore by making excuses for people or validating their excuses.
So how do I balance this…
I have decided that if I am being treated badly or I perceive I am being treated badly, it is my responsibility to disengage. I am giving myself permission to empathize with someone’s situation but I will no longer make excuses for their behavior.
I am also committing to not listening to excuses anymore. The repetitive, same old tired story...
Excuses are based on fear...life can not be lived in fear.
People, like I, have choices. Acceptance or not…wanting something and making excuses on why you can’t have this or that is not acceptable…
If you want something …take a chance….take a risk…stop making excuses…stop being afraid...OR…stop complaining about it and accept it…
Life is about choices not excuses
Choose to live your life for you…no regret…no excuses…no fear..nothing is impossible…stop telling yourself it is…
Keeping it Real with Dr. Mary G