Dreams…only in your sleep???
Are dreams things that only happen when you sleep?
I have been thinking a lot about dreams lately. What are my dreams….not the ones I have when I sleep…but my aspirations…my desires…what do I want most out of life?
This notion of dreams being unreachable…things you put on hold..things that keep you going but you never really get…I don’t accept that notion..I refuse to accept that notion…
The recent deaths and illness of several people that I know have caused me to think about the idea of dreams (aspirations, hopes…desires)
The thing I remember hearing from my father was that he was going to return to Pennsylvania where he grew up and visit his beloved brother and sisters……go the next year..go the next year…go the next year....he died before he could go….he was in his early 60’s..
My brother had dreams….he loved to play the guitar…wanted to play more of his guitar…play in a band and I am most certain dreamed of meeting Elvis Costello….whatever his dreams...he died in his early 40's...
A woman I worked with just died…49 years old…what were her dreams…did she follow them?
I hear so many of my friends’ say that they have “put their dreams on hold” or they will “do that someday".
What does that mean?
People say…”can’t do that…” “kids” “money” “husband” “wife”….”not the right time” “after the new year” “next year I will”…..excuses…. excuses…. excuses…
Based from fear mostly…
I have also said those things..…I have blamed others for my lack of fulfillment…used others as my excuse of why I haven’t gone forward…done the things I wanted to do…I have thought about waiting for the “right” time…been afraid of what people would think..afraid to fail…
Then I realized
Things in my life will never be in perfect order…I will never have enough money…I will always have responsibilities…there will never be a perfect or “right” time for me.... fear is an excuse.
Then I realized
I refuse to make excuses anymore…I am going for it…seize the moment…seize the day…. I don’t want to blame others for not fulfilling my life goals or desires. I don’t want to wait until I retire and drive to the view point and look at the mountain…
I want and will climb the mountain while I still can….
I am not suggesting you or I go crazy and act as if our time is up and become reckless and throw our responsibilities to the wind.
I am suggesting blaming others for not following our dreams and our lack of fulfillment is not the answer.
I suggest we stop finding excuses for not really living.
I suggest we don’t let fear control us…we start small.... one step at a time....we start working our way up the mountain of our dreams…we find out what we want in life and we go for it!
What do you want out of your life? What are your dreams and desires?
Take the first step…I am with you.
Pretty soon we will summit the mountain…together!
Keeping it real with Dr. Mary G